Salah the Muslim Prayer | ii1756


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The obligatory rituals of Ibadah are Kalimah (Shahadah) Salaat (Salah), Fasting (Saum), Zakah (Charity), Pilgrimage (Hajj). These are called file pillars of Islam. Islam is an integral whole. It covers all aspects of man’s life. The pillars unite all human activities, spiritual and material, individual and collective.

The obligatory rituals of ‘Ibadah make “faith” (Iman) to play a practical and effective role in the human life. ‘Ibadah is therefore something positive. It is the means by which the faithfuls can serve Allah as well as their fellow men:

The Salah, which is the subject of this booklet, is an essential part of ‘Ibadah’. The Prophet (S.A.W.) is reported to have said: “Salah is the pillar of Islam and whosoever abandons it, demolishes the very pillar of religion”.

Additional information

Weight 0.18 lbs
Total pages:


Measurments of Book:

Width: 4.5 inches x Length: 7 inches




Published by: Millat Book Traders Pvt. Ltd.